Lots going on as usual. We fixed the loose hand rail on the stairs off the street leading to the middle courtyard.
We also got the carpet in the sanctuary and office cleaned. Thank you to everyone who helped clear out the Sanctuary, especially the Band, Maranatha, Oromo, Mike and Susan in the office.
Still planning on a yard sale to get rid of a lot of stuff, and to generate some cash for the purchase of new chairs for the Fellowship Hall. Marilyn Rotnem and Liz Gaskill have volunteered to do this with me. Tentatively set for Saturday, October 15th, depending on scheduling. Additional help is needed/appreciated.
Still working on getting the Sunday School wing empty. After all that stuff is gone, we will have a work party to clean it up and then take pictures. We will work with the real estate person from Synod to see exactly how they want to go about that. We will then decide the right time to market it and see what we can really do about a preschool.
Working on the patch of grass by the Youth House chimney. I have been letting it die, to take all of the grass and weeds out. This will be replaced with stepping stones and decomposed granite. Just one more place that will not require watering.
One last thing: there have been instances where doors or windows have been left open overnight. Please remember if you unlock and open a door be sure to close and lock it when you leave. The same with windows. We can all help out with security. If you are ready to leave just look around and make sure that things are closed and locked. If you see something please call me. 619-415-7472.
Thanks for everyone’s help and support,
Dan Herman Trustee