April Showers Bring May Flowers   

There are lots of events happening at church as we move forward through Covid. Spring is here and we start Spring cleaning in my house. I go through all of my children's things and start giving away clothes and toys they don't use. When my mom passed away I remember we kept her room untouched for almost 6 months until my sister Jessica moved her stuff in. It was hard to give away her things and we kept the most important things. A sequined shirt that she loved to wear that she wore for her last Christmas with us for example. It is sometimes hard to let go of things. We attach so much sentimental value to them. But the more you get rid of the clutter around you the better you feel. This rule I try to keep is one new thing in two old things out. In a lot of ways our hearts can get cluttered like this. I like to invite new experiences in and not have room for thoughts that weigh me down.

Spring is a time for new beginnings. As we celebrate Easter I see this as a new beginning also. Our hearts are overjoyed because Jesus has Risen! Through all of that hurt and sorrow there is a new beginning for all of us. I look at what Jesus (son of God) went through with new eyes. When I became a parent I could never imagine having any of my children go through what he did. May this Spring bring in new beginnings and fresh starts. There are always opportunities to help at church; ask the office.  

Your humble servant, Jade Clark