Hi everyone. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. For December we are meeting a week early due to Christmas so mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 20th.
Thanks to your previous money donations we will be catering lunch. This includes ham with the fixings which includes dessert. The food is from the B-B-Q Pit. DO NOT BRING ANY FOOD!! Just come and enjoy!!
In previous years we did a gift exchange. This year we are not. The theme is to donate
needed clothing for the homeless. This is sponsored by LWML and all items will be picked up by Dan Herman to be distributed to We See You. The needed items are listed on the back of the Sunday insert in our bulletin. Items range from jackets & pants to dog & cat food.
We will have a short program by Claudia Allen about her trip to Scotland and Ireland. Sounds interesting.
YAH Coordinator,
Dick Fisher