Our speaker is Bonnie Baranoff. She manages the “East County Homeless Task Force” and coordinates La Mesa’s annual “We All Count” events. Bonnie was Chair of La Mesa’s Citizen Task Force on Homelessness which resulted inn the creation of La Mesa’s successful HOME Program. She also volunteers with “La Mesa First United Methodist Church’s Fresh Start Saturday” outreach program for neighbors in need. She cares about all people in need. She cares about all people affected by homelessness, including homeowners business owners, first responders and both her housed and unhoused neighbors. She looks forward to seeing San Diego’s East County shine as a positive example of how a community can work together to tackle a shared concern.
Bonnie will share information about who people experiencing homelessness are, why, and how faith communities can get more involved.
A very timely program!
YAH Coordinator,
Dick Fisher